It is common to wait for operation to finish, and meanwhile we want to do other things and not worry about what happened to process/operation.

Useful/Interesing program is beep which can produce sounds using integrated speaker on motherboard. On my ubuntu I also needed to modprobe pcspkr (alternatively add pcspkr to /etc/modules).

Run these two commands in shell

true && beep -f 80 || beep
false && beep -f 80 || beep

Different sound is produced depending on the outcome of operation. It would be nice to make a wrapper script for this usage pattern.

Also, network cable accidentally drops out from one computer outside my room

while true; do
ping -c 1 -a -w 1 || beep
sleep 1

Perhaps, better alternative is to find out how to send notifications to gnome/ubuntu, that way I can see the outcome even if I have headphones with loud music